Deltamarin – Innovative ship designs & future proof solutions
Deltamarin – Innovative ship designs & future proof solutions
For over 30 years, Deltamarin has been a market leader in the fields of basic and detail design, concept development and construction support services. Today, with a strong global presence and an efficient team in the Far East, Deltamarin is ready to support the shipping industry with innovative ship designs and future-proof solutions to meet the global demand for decarbonization.
Decarbonization technologies and designs account for 80% of Deltamarin’s order backlog, indicating a clear shift towards efficient and environmental friendly operations.
Deltamarin has extensive experience in designing efficient ships powered by alternative fuels. For almost 20 years, the company has systematically invested in the R&D of energy and environmental efficiency and have developed both in-house competence and simulation tools for this purposes. The alternative fuel reference include – but are not limited to – LNG, Methanol, Ammonia and Hydrogen.
While choosing a single future fuel can be difficult, designing a future-proof vessel by incorporating readiness for a later fuel type upgrade can be a good option for many. Deltamarin can support the client in determining alternatives and a pathway for the vessel to reduce the carbon intensity of its fuels throughout its operational lifetime.
COMPLETE DESIGN REFERENCE: Aurora-class PCTCs that will be the world’s largest environmentally friendly car carriers, powered by MGO and LNG and prepared with readiness for operation on zero-carbo fuels like ammonia, or methanol.
In addition to low- and zero-carbon fuels, many shipowners are also looking for alternative propulsion methods to reduce their environmental impact. Significant savings can be achieved with wind-assisted propulsion systems (WAPS) if the operation area is windy enough.
Combining wind propulsion and route optimization provides a big edge against conventional vessels, with emission reduction up to 30%.
WIND ASSISTANCE: Figure of the power generation for different headings.
Methanol is often considered one of the most promising alternative marine fuels due to its fairly good characteristics for onboard use and storage and for the fact that it can be carbon-neutral when produced from bio-feedstock or with synthetic methods.
Deltamarin has been involved in several methanolpowered projects, both in new designs and retrofits, for mu tiple vessel types including cargo and passenger ships.
METHANOL REFERENCE: On a self-unloading bulk carrier, the space for methanol tanks is near the belt system so that no cargo space is lost.
Onboard carbon capture is one of the most promising solutions towards the decarbonization of the maritime industry. Deltamarin is actively involved in varying projects that investigate both on-board carbon capture and carbon capture technology as an option on the pathway to zero emissions.
The results look promising and carbon capture could provide “the 30% step” in carbon footprint before going into more expensive low or zero carbon fuels.
Thanks to their experience and expertise, Deltamarin can assist owners with feasibility and ROI studies towards system selection, installation and most efficient performance.
STUDY REFERENCE: A RoPax ferry newbuild was compared with alternative arrangements for MGO, HFO and LNG fuels and in technical aspects of CAPEX, OPEX and emissions on three different routes. The study concludes that carbon capture looks technically feasible for ship integration and a very interesting option in reducing CO2 emissions.
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