Mobile Degassing Services for the incineration of VOC and HAP Emissions
Mobile Degassing Services for the incineration of VOC and HAP Emissions
Our Principals Messers. ENDEGS are leading experts in ecological incineration of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) in Europe, awarded as Top Innovator Company for 2021.
ENDEGS has developed the world’s first fully equipped, trailer-mounted and autonomously operated mobile incinerator for the combustion of gases, gas mixtures and vapors in the explosion groups IIA, IIB and IIC at a combustion rate of more than 99.9% (Ammonia, Ethylene, Propane, Butane, Methane, Crude & Slop oil, Styrene, Naphtha, Petrol & Benzene, Pygas, Ethylene, LPG/LNG/CNG, Hydrogen, Metaxylene, Propylene, n-hexene, Acrylonitrile etc.).
With extremely short installation time, ENDEGS can provide turnkey solutions including personnel and additional material such as power generators, piping, fans, detonation flame arresters (in IIA, IIB or IIC), liquid separators and pressure control valves according to customers’ needs.
ENDEGS degassing systems, with capacity of the Mobile Vapor Combustion Units scalable from 01. to 150 MW, can be used in various applications, always in compliance with all European safety regulations:
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