GTT is a leading engineering company in containment systems for the shipping and storage in cryogenic conditions of LNG (liquefied natural gas) and offers engineering, consultancy, training, maintenance support and technical design services. Approved by leading classification societies, its technologies are underpinned by a substantial return of experience over many decades.
With the emergence of LNG as fuel, GTT is adapting its technologies to meet the requirements of shipowners who want to use a LNG propulsion system.
The applications for using LNG as fuel are varied. GTT proposes its technologies to equip commercial vessels such as Container ships, Cruise vessels, Bulk and Ore carriers and Tankers.
GTT can provide support in the following areas:
- Assist clients in specifying their requirements and translating these into a membrane based solution;
- Elaborate concept designs (including basic design for FGHS taking into account cost, arrangement and operational constraints);
- Develop basic designs including sloshing assessment, bill of materials, cost evaluations and building methods;
- Develop detailed engineering during project execution.
In addition, GTT is able to:
- provide Ship-owners with accurate pressure rise calculation in operation or during idle time with and without consumption;
- simulate ship-to-ship (STS) transfer and bunkering operation between any type of tank and any size;
- guarantee BOR of membrane system (optimized dimensioning of Fuel Gas Handling System);
- LNG tank commissioning (hundreds of LNG tanks already commissioned by GTT);
- Inspection, maintenance and repair of LNG tank
- LNG Training Services: courses and software (particularly well suited for newcomers in LNG industry);
- Assistance to first bunkering operations (advising the world’s first LNG bunkering operations);
- HEARS – Hotline for emergency situations (available 24/7 to manage any emergency situation involving the LNG tank).