The added value of Chris Marine LDM Report & Replica Analysis
The added value of Chris Marine LDM Report & Replica Analysis
Cylinder liners’ wear rate has been significantly increased, while on the majority of 2-stroke engines, operators are struggling to efficiently balance the cylinder oil type and feed rate in accordance with new bunkers’ sulfur content and properties.
CHRIS MARINE together with TECHNAVA SA, provide complete solutions in 2-stroke engines Cylinder Condition Monitoring by utilizing qualified Service Engineers and state-of-the-art LDM (Liner Diameter Measurement) device combined with a fully detailed service report.
In order to be one step ahead and meet customers’ demanding requirements, CHRIS MARINE utilizes their great experience in engines’ reconditioning and, upon engineer disembarkation, an official Wear/Replica Analysis report is compiled in the Headquarters of CHRIS MARINE in Sweden.
This report may include upon request:
Benefits of LDM
Below some screenshots from official LDM wear report for your reference.
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