VIKING Life-Saving Equipment & New Standards for SOLAS Fire Suits
VIKING Life-Saving Equipment & New Standards for SOLAS Fire Suits
The latest revision of the European standard for firefighter protective clothing, EN469:2005, underwent significant enhancements in 2020. This updated version, while upholding the fundamental principles of its predecessor, integrates crucial modifications to bolster thermal efficiency, water resistance, and breathability of firefighter suits, thereby elevating safety standards and operational efficacy.
Effective from June 04th, 2025, the implementation of the new MED directive (EU) 2022/1157 mandates that all newly acquired firefighter suits for onboard deployment must adhere to the EN469:2020 specifications. Consequently, firefighter suits manufactured in compliance with the preceding EN469:2005 standard will no longer be permissible for placement aboard any vessel beyond this date.
While fire-fighting equipment including fire suits, has always been under scrutiny by Port State Control officers, the Flag Administrations and Classification Societies have requested an increased attention of the Port State Control officers to the Fire Suits on board the vessels.
According to the standards there are three criteria that classify the Fire Suits as level 1 or 2, e.g. (Y1) or (Y2):
The major difference in Water Penetration Resistance is that Y2 is a fire suit with a moisture barrier and Y1 without, while both of them are approved according to EN 469:2020.
Regulation on fire-fighter’s suits:
Regulations require that the vessels are equipped with water-resistant fire-fighter’s suits or Y2 grade suits (X2Y2Z2).
X2Y2Z2 is requested by PSC officers in case the suit is used in enclosed areas where the fire-fighter will definitely be wet and with a X2Y2 suit he/she will be protected against steam scalding.
Our principals VIKING recommend that you check and replace your fire-fighting outfits on board your vessels to ensure that they comply with the X2Y2Z2 requirements and the latest EN469:2020 standards.
VIKING’s Solution:
VIKING fire suits meet the EN469:2020 standard requirements and can cover your needs with the following high-quality product:
VIKING YouSafe™ Torch fire suit with a multi-layer design that provides a good thermal performance and protection. Raglan arms and an ergonomic fit allow for superior freedom of movement.
The VIKING YouSafe™ Torch is a marinized version of a fire suit that VIKING offers to structural firefighters on land.
The SOLAS-approved suit includes moisture barrier protection while benefiting from a professional-grade outer shell with a level of breathability that ensures comfort during extended wear.
Appropriate for use on commercial vessels ships, passenger ships and offshore applications, the VIKING YouSafe™ Torch meets the requirements of the new EN469:2020 standard.
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